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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I can be a pessimist #2

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I don't do proprietary

I hadn't used Windows in 5 months... but the streak was stopped the the use of espn 360 to watch college football

I hope I never hear another person tell me that Access is better for data insertion

I think its funny that the presenter said "A code." He can one day be

I think there is a difference between an Internal vs External API

I think that wikipedia still is not a credible source...

I have a hard time seeing cloud computing being any service... the definition given is far too loose. On the other hand, I can see that a person's definition of the term depends on what part of the technical vs business spectrum a person is in. I'm on the more technical side, so cloud computing means something specific.

With that:
-I think being able to use stuff in your car is not cloud computing (it could be, but it isn't in itself)
-Classic Email is not suddenly cloud computing
-Google docs, although is built upon cloud computing, isn't itsself cloud computing.
-Computing in general is not cloud computing, there is a resource consumption that brings about it... it is not just because you don't know what is happening in the background, its a specific computing problem. It is possible to describe the cloud without just describing the basic definition of what the internet is.

I think the NYT PDF conversion thing is an incredible exmaple of good usage of cloud computing: Computing power that you didn't have before, and only need in a short burst of processing power (and don't need to buy a full server for it). With that its great to be at a point where we don't have to worry about creating the most efficient algorithms, when you can just create an instant work force.

I think RESTful design is awesome. In short: it is because it allows you to reuse a ton of code in an MVC pattern for web developlement. In long: look at my commen ton the CIS Integratem blog

I had a hard time, at first, thinking of using Google charts and instantly calling it a mashup. Well, I still do, but I can kinda understand... well not really... But atleast I can see how one could call it that... well not really. However I do see how mashup has become a buzzword... and therefore its meaning has dropped =\


jesspanda said...

"I think that wikipedia still is not a credible source..."

Agreed on the point of facts, but when trying to define the community's common view of something, it's very useful. Especially an ill-defined or newly developed concept that is nebulous at best (at least in common definition).

peter said...

You mention a number of things that "cloud computing" isn't as well as a number of things that aren't "cloud computing".

You also said: "I'm on the more technical side, so cloud computing means something specific."

So now you've got me curious, what is this more specific meaning?

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